Lit by z 6th December 2020
Happy Birthday Mr. J I've been up to a lot since my last visit. I got a job and I'm currently on retainer, I'm appearing for a Grade 7 music theory exam in a few months, I got all A's on my final report card and I'm on a fitness spree, the end of which is going to do wonders for my knee joints. I feel a connection to you which quite frankly is unexplainable. I am in no way obligated to write this message, but I respect you more than I respect many people (and that says a lot because I can be a uh beef jerky sometimes) Hope Earth is looking alright from up there Until next time, Cheerio PS: Say hi to grandma for me. I talk to her whenever I can but it must be easier for you. Sometimes I wonder if you two know each other and are good friends.
This candle went out on 7th December 2020.